KCOP Diploma Curriculum

This program is deeply grounded in the five fundamental areas of Foundational Theology and Ministry, Spiritual Discipline, Prophetic and Practical Ministry. The College stresses the importance of balancing Theological truths with the teaching on spiritual disciplines and supernatural prophetic gifting to provide a sound ministry that will set our graduates apart as mature ministers of the Word and Spirit of God. The purpose is to inspire an Issachar generation who will be completely sold out for our God.

Advanced Diploma Curriculum

Students will be further equipped in our leadership training with practical skills in Basic Biblical Counselling with the compassion of Christ Jesus. In this Leadership Training program, students will also learn how to discern, engage and overcome in Spiritual Warfare with the Word and spiritual weapons provided by God. Focus in this level is in grooming and enhancing the students’ prophetic gifts to a level where they are able to mature into responsible ministers of both the Word and Spirit in order to fulfil the purpose and calling in their lives.

KCOP 2021-2022 Batch 11 Diploma Graduation (USA)

KCOP 2019 Batch 10 Diploma Graduation (Singapore)